Worms in adults: symptoms, treatment

Worms call worms from the group of worms that are parasitic in the human body and cause dysfunction of organs and systems. In adults often pinworm and roundworm. You can there are also different types of tapeworms that treat tapeworms. In any case, if you have the symptoms of helminthiasis should immediately consult a physician, who will prescribe effective treatment.

The causes of the disease

There are several sources of pollution of the body with helminths:

  1. The Bot – in this case, the worms enter the human body through the soil and water. It can also occur after contact with animals and during the removal of fly eggs on the food.
  2. Contact way worms are passed from person to person. As pinworms are usually spread and risk of infection is very high.
  3. Bio-helminthiasis – worms enter the body after the consumption of raw and undercooked meat or fish.
  4. Insect bites. They are often carriers of worms are mosquitoes.
Worms in adults

The main method of infection with worms is considered to be fecal-oral. In this case, the helminth eggs enter the human body through food or water. Very rare helminthic infestations occur during insect bites.

Symptoms of worms in adults

Signs of infection are directly dependent on the localization of worms in the body. The largest colonies of parasites – ascarids, pinworms, tapeworms – are found in the intestine, however, some helminths are able to move through the body. For example, the roundworm can be first to get into the stomach and from there through the blood to reach the lungs or the liver. There they develop for three weeks, and then re-enter the intestines or stomach.

Pinworms are often found in the anus, causing intense itching. In women they can also be stored in the genitals. Parasites, such as Fluke cat's, often live in the liver and the pancreas. Echinococcus granulosus is capable of hitting muscle and bone, and tsepni – penetrate even into the brain. Also some types of worms can reside in the respiratory tract causing a persistent cough.

Depending on the localization result in the following symptoms of helminthiasis:

  • Closure. The worms of large size you can close the lumen of the bowel, which causes a violation of the chair. Closure may take more than two days.
  • Diarrhea. Some parasites produce a special substance that stimulates the body to excretion of undigested residues of food with plenty of water.
  • Bloating. Individual species of helminths cause swelling in the small intestine, which exceeds the gas formation. If time does not get rid of the worms, bloating may last up to a few months.
  • On the irritable bowel syndrome. Worms can cause the development of inflammation in the intestine that leads to malabsorption of nutrients.
  • Pain in muscles and joints. Worms may be kept in any part of the body. If they fall in the joints or muscles, it starts to destroy the tissue. The result is pain, which the body responds to the activity of the parasite.
  • Allergy. Selection of worms can cause the body's production of special cells called eosinophils. Cause inflammation of the tissues that become the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Diseases of the skin. As a result, persons, pimples, wrinkles, hives, acne and even warts. Sometimes, infection with helminths leads to increased fragility of the nails and hair.
  • Anemia. Some types of worms can stick to the walls of the intestine, receiving from him not only nutrients, but also blood. At the end, man is the development of anemia.
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Weight changes. Most often, infection with helminths leads to a strong loss of weight. The fact that parasites absorb a large amount of nutrients coming into the human body through food. In addition, the presence of helminth infection often leads to a loss of appetite. However, in some cases in humans, increased body mass – this process is a protective response of the body to release the worms.
  • Problems in the functioning of the nervous system. The presence of worms in the body, which affects the status of the nervous system. As a result, the person develops fear, anxiety and even depression.
  • Sleep disorders. If every night wake up in the middle of sleep, this can indicate a helminth infection. It was at this time to clean the liver from toxins produced by helminths. Usually at night parasites, which can leave the body through the anus, and this process is accompanied by the feeling of strong itching.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition is manifested as depression, lethargy, nausea. The reason for this is the problem of the lack of nutrients in the body. The person may experience memory impairment, emotional tension.
  • Disorders in the immune system. Infection with helminths can cause immune disorders. As a result, people much more often suffer from viral diseases. This may be allergic reactions to conventional products. In the intestine, which often develop a goiter or colitis, but on the face – acne and herpes.
  • Oncologic pathology. Worms can be so large, that poison the body that the immune system simply cannot cope with this process. The result of the development of different complications, including favourable for the formation of malignant tumors.
  • The inflammatory process in the airways. The worms can move freely in various organs, and, of course, the respiratory system cannot be an exception. If the worms obstruction of the respiratory ducts, they can also experience problems with breathing. Also in humans, is often a dry cough and fever. Quite a dangerous complication of helminth infections is the development of bronchial asthma.
Methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis

Methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis

In order to identify the worms in the adult organism, most often used ovoscopy. This study is the analysis of the mud on the eggs of helminths, which are parasitic in the digestive system. Unfortunately this is not always possible to obtain absolute results, since not all worms lay eggs systematically.

More accurate results can be achieved with the help of histological coprogram. Through this study you can clearly identify the parts of the body, the worms and eggs. In the result, it is possible not only to diagnose helminth infections, but also to determine the types of parasites detected.

If there is a suspicion that the localization of helminths in the lungs, is shown by x-ray. In addition, they performed a review of the sputum. For the identification of the parasites in the liver, brain or kidney disease, do a CT or ultrasound. For the diagnosis of helminths in the blood, making the blood. Also for this purpose can be carried out immunological tests.

Treatment for worms in adults

For the therapy is the most effective, you need to consult a doctor and strictly adhere to its recommendations. The Specialist prescribed treatment only on the basis of the test results. To make their drugs, because they have a toxic effect on the human body. In addition, it is worth considering that different worms require different treatment regimens. Equally important in the selection of the dose of the drug the age and weight of the person.

Upon detection of pinworms or ascarids for the treatment of drugs used.

Many drugs ineffective against larvae and eggs of worms. In addition, there is a fairly high risk of self-infection Enterobius. So, after 2-3 weeks, treatment should be repeated.

Among the folk remedies for combating helminths secrete pumpkin seeds and the herb tansy. Seeds should be cleaned yourself to save and eat a thin film located between the seeds and the peel.

To remove the worms 300 g this product must be crushed, mix with honey and eat it. Do it best in the morning. Then you need 3-4 hours to abstain from food. After this time you will need to do the enema. Treatment may be repeated in a few weeks.

One of the most popular means worms tansy is. To prepare the soup 3 tablespoons herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to stand for 1 hour, then drain. Skin drink 3-4 times a day spoon.

To cope with the toxins and to destroy the worms will help products with a bitter taste. For these purposes, it is recommended to use wormwood and cloves. In addition, almost all worms can not tolerate acidic environment. So, to cope with worms, for inclusion in the diet of sauerkraut, Apple cider vinegar, natural juices from acidic fruits and vegetables.

If there is suspicion of the presence of worms in the body, it should be included in the diet of a large number of fresh carrots. It is also very helpful to drink the natural juice of carrot and infusion of birch buds. For its preparation a teaspoon of raw pour a glass of water and heat on the steam bath for half an hour. Two hours later the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended that you take half a glass means twice a day. The course of treatment – 1 week.

Prevention of worms

That it is not necessary to deal with the unpleasant consequences of helminth infection, it is recommended that the implementation of preventive measures. If you want to do this is to abandon the use of raw water from springs or wells. You can drink only boiled or filtered water.

After contact with the ground your hands need a good wash with soap and water. Not less carefully it is worth to wash vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. It is very important that a thorough thermal treatment of meat, fish and poultry. It is not recommended to eat, dried, salted or raw materials that contain blood.

After bathing in the waters, it is necessary to take a shower. You should not allow Pets to lick your hands or face, because their language can be helminth eggs. After contact with animals must wash their hands. Also, you should run anti-parasitic cleaning pet.


The specifics of helminth infection during pregnancy

Of worms no one is immune, and of course, pregnant women are no exception. In addition, during pregnancy the immune system is significantly weakened, it is a danger for the development of helminthiasis increases. To prevent this from happening, you should pay attention to prevention of disease – it is good to wash your hands after using the toilet or contact with animals, to carefully handle the vegetables, herbs and fruits before eating.

If the infection still occurred, you should immediately consult a doctor. During pregnancy, you can take not every drug of the worms. During this period, allowed only the use of piperazine. When infected with Ascaris the dose is 1.5-2 g, the treatment course is 2 days and 2 doses, one hour before meals. If a pregnant woman diagnosis of pinworms, treatment should be continued for 5 days, taking the drug in the same dose.

Worms are very common in adults, causing serious disorder in the work of many organs and systems. In order to prevent the development of dangerous complications, you should deal with prevention of helminthiasis. If the parasite all-such has got in an organism, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective remedy.